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Lampiao vm ctf

Found  the ip scanner it is using TCP SYN SCAN and NMAP Ssh and http ports are open Now display it USING TCP SYN SCAN AND PROB PORT SCANING  ND VERTION INFOR AND PORT RANGE USING NMAP -P- SCAN ALL THE PORTS -Sv vertions of that servies We found 3 ports 2 for apache srver  then we open using port number Dirb cmd will scn all the links and gives you output It means this web is running on drupal now we have to search it on metaspoit database then set the ip valuse and exploit it We are in Server We are not in root We select username tiago beasuse tiago is at web page tiago:x:1000:1000:tiago,,,:/home/tiago:/bin/bash tiago is in web page so tiago username password can be here crewl using make world list Then using hidra use to find password use ssh and logn in in linux kernal version we have to do previlage escalation to fi...

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